No. There is some natural variation among cultivars in physiological development, especially during the rapid growth period in the early summer. The Adapt-N tool is generally quite accurate in estimating the growth stage of the corn crop, but it may be off by one or two stages. This has minimal impact on the recommendations. If discrepancies between the Adapt-N estimates and field observations are greater, we suggest verifying crop input information, especially the date of planting. Also consider entering an emergence date to further calibrate the growth stage. Adapt-N estimates growth stage up to but not including the reproductive stages.
Articles in this section
- Password Resets and Changes
- Deactivating Users
- Importing Shapefiles
- How to Create a Zip File
- Weather data summary
- Which states are supported in Adapt-N?
- Why is the soybean N credit in the recommendation relatively low?
- How can I use Adapt-N and with crop sensors like Greenseeker and OptRx?
- Guidelines for Urea Applications and the use of Adapt-N
- General Crop and N Rules for Adapt-N