Welcome back to the 2017 season! Over the last few months we've released a number of improvements and new features to Adapt-N, based on user feedback, suggestions, and agronomic research. If you have questions about any of these release notes, please email support@agronomic.com.
N-Insight is now available for all customers. Access the tool via the N-Insight logo, located in the left navigation bar; it is accessible to Billing Admin and Agronomist Users. A PDF report has also been added, accessible from any completed N-Insight report. Billing Admins who wish to customize the timing, form, and placement of nitrogen applications within N-Insight should contact support, as these parameters can be set for all N-Insight fields in an account.
Training Mode Feature
Training Mode is a new feature that lets users run example recommendations using prior-year weather data at no charge, for the purposes of training new users and demonstrating Adapt-N to growers. All Billing Admins have this feature turned on by default, and they can choose to subsequently enable it for other users in their account. Click here for full details.
Nitrogen Recommendation Updates
- The Field Recommendation Page now includes a new set of statistics, summarizing a number of modeling outputs for the field's zones:
- The Export Recommendation application now lets users modify the names of a shapefile prior to completing the export. Additionally, Foliar products are now supported as a special type of Custom Fertilizer; contact support to set these up. See full details here.
- When viewing a Zone's Recommendation Details (accessed by clicking on a zone from the Field Recommendation map), a Yield Scenarios option is available at the top, next to the date selector. This lets users generate a side-by-side comparison nitrogen recommendation for that zone, under 3 different expected yield scenarios. A PDF export option is also available for this tool.
Modeling Enhancements
- Optional Observational values are now accepted by Adapt-N, and are utilized to improve calibration of the models. Specifically:
- Crop emergence date can be provided to re-calibrate Adapt-N's growth model as of the date of the observation
- Soil nitrate test results can be provided, either on a flat or spatial basis, to cause Adapt-N's soil nitrate values to be re-calibrated as of the date and depth of the lab test. Users who have performed side-by-side testing of Adapt-N's Virtual PSNT and traditional lab nitrate tests have found strong correlation. However, deviations can be used as a trigger to review field inputs for accuracy, or observational values can be loaded into Adapt-N to cause a modest adjustment. Please note that research shows that in-field soil nitrate tests are inherently variable.
- Users can now control the pounds of Nitrogen needed per expected bushel of yield. This directly impacts the "expected N in crop at harvest" value seen on the recommendation detail page, which is otherwise calculated based on expected yield. Adapt-N accepts values from 0.9 to 1.2. In the absence of an explicit value being set, Adapt-N's system defaults will be used. Click here for additional details.
- Adapt-N utilizes a set of economic parameters in calculating a risk/profit adjustment that impacts the final recommendation. We've now provided the ability for users to adjust two of these parameters: Price of grain per bushel, and Cost of nitrogen per pound. Click here for additional details. Feature summary;
- Billing Admins can set these values for their entire account, and optionally can also set them for a specific Grower.
- When set, recommendation pages will clearly show which parameters were used. In the absence of these values being set, Adapt-N system defaults will be used.
- In the past, the start date of an Adapt-N simulation was adjusted based on various parameters of the field. This created some inconsistencies in how nitrogen losses would be accumulated in cases when unusual weather patterns were observed at the very end of a calendar year and when the field's parameters would not cause the simulation to start until January 1st. After completing an extensive research effort on this topic, we have modified Adapt-N such that all simulations will begin on November 1st, unless a nitrogen or manure application for the current season occurred prior to that date, in which case the simulation will begin on that date. In most cases, this change will have only a trivial impact on the recommendation. However, in cases where there were excessive rains and/or warm conditions in November and December, this change will ensure that those weather events are properly captured.
- As we've done for years between seasons, we've updated various parameters in our soil, crop, and climate models to optimize performance based on recent lab and field trial data.
Integration Update
- agX Platform / SST Software updates:
- Two new user preferences are now available on the Account tab of the agX Settings page:
- Set soil texture and slope based on Soil Survey information.
- Always attempt to sync Soil Organic Matter values from agX.
- Depending on the user preferences set above, when fields are imported Adapt-N will automatically set soil texture and slope, and will automatically pull the most recent soil test result from agX (must be within the last 5 seasons). Users can subsequently override these values through the normal configuration methods.
- Agrian updates:
- Saved management zones from Agrian can now be utilized for zone creation in Adapt-N at the time of field creation.
- A bulk import tool has been added, letting users import multiple fields at once.
- Two new user preferences are now available on the Account tab of the Agrian Settings page:
- Set soil texture and slope based on Soil Survey information.
- Always attempt to sync Soil Organic Matter values from Agrian.
- Depending on the user preferences set above, when fields are imported Adapt-N will automatically set soil texture and slope, and will automatically pull the most recent soil test result from Agrian (must be within the last 5 seasons). Users can subsequently override these values through the normal configuration methods.
- EFC Systems / FieldAlytics updates:
- Users can now access Adapt-N features directly from within FieldAlytics interface. This includes the ability to enroll fields, configure spatial layers, and run Adapt-N recommendations. Users should work entirely from within the FieldAlytics system and do not need to login to Adapt-N for these features.
- N-Insight will also soon be added to the FieldAlytics system.
- Contact EFC Systems support for further assistance on this integration.