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Field Recommendation Export

VRT recommendations can be exported as Shapefiles or in some cases back to source systems, such as the agX Platform.  From the Field Recommendation page, click Export Recommendation.

  • When multiple formats or destinations are available, an "Export Type" option will be displayed.  Otherwise, the export will be as a Shapefile.
  • Optionally specify one or more nitrogen products.  Selected products will be converted to the appropriate units in the recommendation.  Optionally choose a rounding option, which will round the product rate to the nearest rounding value.
  • Optionally, indicate a maximum application rate for a given nitrogen product, by selecting the "Cap Rate" option in the Percentage box.  You will then be given the opportunity to specify the product application rate (e.g. gallons/acre for a liquid product, pounds/acre for a non-liquid product) that should not be exceeded.  If you specify a "Remaining Nitrogen Product," that product will be utilized for parts of the field in which the Adapt-N N rec has exceeded the Cap Rate value specified for the Primary Nitrogen Product. 
  • Optionally modify the rates for the exported recommendation, either by modifying the entire recommendation (setting minimum/maximum or adjusting by percentage or fixed amount), or by manually adjusting individual rates.


Example 1


In the above example, the custom fertilizer called "Sidedress" will be applied but only up to a maximum application rate of 5 gallons/acre.  Parts of the field which are calling for more than the nitrogen supplied by that application rate will also include a product rate for the standard UAN 28% product, specified as the Remaining Nitrogen Product.  The downloaded shapefile will be named "". 


Example 2


In the above example:

  • UAN (28-0-0) was selected, with the product rate to be rounded to the nearest 5 gal/acre value
  • A minimum value of 30 pounds N per acre was set
  • The rate originally at 50 pounds N per acre was manually lowered to 30
  • The rates originally at 95 and 120 pounds N per acre were raised to 125 pounds N per acre

Below is the resulting Shapefile based on the above export parameters:

  • In the below example, a single zone is highlighted, for which the N rate is 125 lbs N per acre and the product rate is 40 gallons/acre.


  • Users have the ability to manage which columns they want to appear in exported shapefiles, Pounds of N (z100_0_0) and Product Rate (zN_P_K) by checking the box of the columns you would like.
  • Whenever one or more products are selected, a pair of additional columns will be included for each product: z28_0_0 represents the UAN 28% rate, and uz28_0_0 represents the units for that product.

Example 3

If two N products are selected, and both product rates are of the same unit (e.g. gallons/acre), then the resulting shapefile will contain individual product rates, as well as a TotalProd column, which contains the combined rate of a pre-blended fertilizer:


Summary PDF

All Shapefile exports also include a Summary PDF in the resulting zip file, which indicates the total amount of product required to fulfill the recommendation as modified.

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