N-Insight is a great way to show the year-to-year variability of zones and how efficiently those zones use nitrogen. The N-Insight Report shown below was ran using an N rate of 175 lbs applied in the fall.
Near the top of the report written in pink, you can see that the average per acre loss of total N was 142 lbs for the 5 year scenario. It's important to understand that this is TOTAL N (losses from both commercially applied fertilizer as well as mineralized nitrogen) and not just applied N. Below this you can see the average applied N loss of 105 lbs or 59% of applied N.
The report also shows you a map of the different soil texture zones in the field and a bar graph showing N losses in each zone during each year.
In this example, 2013 had the highest nitrogen losses with the current management practices used on this field with 71% of applied N being lost. Both the clay loam (blue) and loam (green) zones in this field were deficient of N which is signified by the ear of corn in each zones bar in the graph. This resulted in a weighted average total N loss of 166 lbs in 2013.
For comparison, 2015 had lower nitrogen losses with 45% of applied N being lost. However, in 2015 the loam zone had a surplus of N which is signified by the "N" in the green bar while the clay loam zone was deficient of N (ear of corn in the blue bar). This resulted in a weighted average total N loss of 106 lbs in 2015.