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Importing Shapefiles

Importing Shapefiles

Fields can be quickly created in Adapt-N by importing a Shapefile created by one of many software systems.  The process is as follows:

  1. Create a Shapefile for either a single field at the field level or multiple fields at the farm level
  2. Confirm that the three core files -- .shp, .shx and .dbf -- are included
  3. Zip these files together (see How to Create a Zip File)
  4. On Adapt-N's Land tab, drag the zip file onto the Create Field drop zone
  5. Within a few seconds, the imported field should be displayed on a map if it is a single field import or it will take you to another window were you can select the fields you wish to import
  6. Select (or create a new) farm and specify field name, and click Submit.  Multi-field imports will take a couple minutes and the progress box will say when the import is finished.

Additional Notes

  • Additional Shapefile file types, such as .prj and .sbn, may be included in the zip file, but will be ignored during the Adapt-N import process.

Error messages

"Invalid shape file, shp, shx, or dbf files missing." - Generally this means that the imported zip file does not contain the three required files, .shp, .shx, and .dbf. If all three files are present in the zip file, it is likely that those files are not properly formed.  Attempt to re-export the Shapefiles from the original source, or contact support for further assistance.

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